22 Station Owners Association
Town Hall with Hotel and Rental Management Company
Time and Date to Be Determined
Join Zoom Meetinghttps://zoom.us/j/93233456370?pwd=amdiNFZJY0ZMTGJFMUNaS1hITG90UT09Meeting ID: 932 3345 6370Passcode: 944122Dial in: 669 444 9171
Several Hotel and Rental Management Companies have pitched their offerings and services to 22 Station. Since Owners individually contract with third party companies for rental management services, 22 Station’s negotiations with these companies only considered their property management capabilities. While 22 Station did not come to terms with some of these property management and rental management companies, some of these companies still have a strong interest in having a relationship with 22 Station/22 Station Owners.
If Owners are interested in learning more about these Hotel and Rental Management Companies, 22 Station may host a Town Hall during which a Hotel and Rental Management Company presents the features and benefits of its offerings and services. This would be similar to the recent Town Hall at which Palisades Tahoe and Alterra Mountain Company presented the Development Plan. Interested Owners can complete the form below. If sufficient Owners have an interest, 22 Station will work with the rental management companies to have a Town Hall. .
Town Hall Materials From Rental and Hotel Management Company
- Hotel and Rental Management Company Website
- Hotel and Rental Management Company FAQ's
- Town Hall Presentation